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PyeongChang 2018: New Horizons for winter sports

  • 2 min read

09 Feb 2023

Five years after the Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018, the Games are helping more young people in the Republic of Korea to get involved in winter sports. The two 2018 Olympic clusters – PyeongChang and Gangneung – have become vital winter sports hubs for the region and beyond. 

Over a quarter of the world’s population tuned in to follow the PyeongChang 2018 broadcast, making them the most viewed Olympic Winter Games at the time.

Audiences were able to witness Norwegian cross-country skiing star Marit Bjørgen win five medals at those Games, which took her total Olympic tally to 15 medals, including 8 golds. At 37 years old, this made Bjørgen the third most successful Olympian of all time behind swimmer Michael Phelps and gymnast Larisa Latynina. 

“It’s incredible when I look back and see what I’ve done,” Bjørgen said after her impressive 30km win. “These are my last Games and to finish off like this is just fantastic.”

Source: Olympic News

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